Young Adults

Navigating Christ-like Adulthood

The "Young Adult" stage of life can be daunting - so don’t do it alone! All Nations' Young Adults meets every Sunday evening to hang out together, worship together, and grow together - all in the presence of God.

What goes on at YA?

We usually begin with some coffee and a catch-up, and then we’ll move into a time of studying the Bible and praying for one another. Sometimes we have guest speakers, too.

This is often followed by heading out to grab some food, allowing us to spend more time together, reflect on our weeks, deepen friendships, and to simply get know each other better.

Proper Community

It’s our mission to meet Young Adults where they are at, and invest in helping them to understand their role in the Church as well as their journey through life.

We even have a WhatsApp group where everyone can keep in touch, stay up-to-date with the latest YA news, and ask for prayer about things during the week. There’s no need to pretend; we’re all on this journey with Jesus together, and a big part of that is supporting and lifting one-other up.

When & Where?

We meet every Sunday evening at around 8:30pm (after the Pursuing God meeting), at the All Nations building - and if you're aged between 18 and 30 (ish - we're not too picky!) and we'd love to have you!

If you're interested in joining, just want to try it out, or even have questions, just click below to get in touch with Josh. He'll be happy to talk with you.